Time flies when you’re having fun!
Last week marked the one year anniversary of my first day as Executive Director at the Rozsa Foundation. For me, it’s been a year of learning about the past and planning for the future.
At the start of this month, the Board of the Rozsa Foundation passed a new three-year strategic plan, which will see the Foundation expand in new directions, while staying firmly rooted to the legacies of Drs. Ted and Lola Rozsa and the Rozsa Family’s wish to strengthen the arts sector locally, regionally and nationally.
There are a lot of aspirational ideas in that plan, and I’ve made a lot of work for myself and the rest of the staff as we get set to bring them to fruition. Stay tuned in the months ahead as we start to roll out some exciting new initiatives!
I keep telling people who ask me how my ‘new’ job is going that I’m now a year in, which is often met with surprise and disbelief. And I can hardly believe it myself, as it really has flown by. But I often also tell them that I feel like I’ve done everything once now, so I have some idea of what’s going on and what’s to come, and that’s a great feeling.
I’ve been incredibly well supported since my arrival by the Board, and especially by Mary Rozsa de Coquet, who has been so very patient as I’ve emailed her all sorts of clarifying questions over the past twelve months.
We’ve settled into our new home in cSpace King Edward, have launched a new website, Instagram account and e-newsletter, welcomed new staff members Kimberley Jev and Derek Stevenson, awarded our first intake of grants under our redesigned granting program and much more.
I’ve loved getting to know the arts sector in Calgary and Alberta better, broadening my own horizons and coming to understand the challenges facing our colleagues in a variety of disciplines. And now we set our sights toward the future, toward tackling those challenges and working together to meet our collective goals.
Thanks to all those I’ve had such wonderful interactions with over the course of year one, I keenly look forward to year two – exciting times ahead!