The Ally Toolkit Conference is a one-day conference offering a holistic toolkit for better ally-ship in schools, at work and in our communities. This project grew from a previous RAMP (Rozsa Arts Management Program) marketing project completed by Fairy Tales staff in 2015. The research found a startling lack of audience identifying as ‘allies’ who were attending the festival. This made the opportunity for audience development through education and context building an ideal avenue to expand our community impact.
Education has been a major focus of our organization since the establishment of the OutReels diversity Education Program in 2009. Through this program, we have delivered over 300 diversity education workshops for thousands of Albertans, using film as a vehicle for learning, discussion and empathy. The Ally Toolkit Conference builds on this work that we are already engaged with. It has also allowed us to partner with a number of other organizations to utilize the support and expertise of numerous community partners, including Calgary Sexual Health, Hillhurst United Church, RBC, The Society for the Advocacy of Safer Spaces, and the VOICES Coalition.
For more information, or to register for the conference, visit;
For more information about RAMP (Rozsa Arts Management Program), visit: https://www.rozsafoundation.com/ramp