Hello friends and colleagues,
We need your participation! The Rozsa Foundation, in partnership with other Alberta arts funders, is working with Stone-Olafson to launch the Arts & Culture Engagement Monitor, a two-year project that will track the preferences, behaviours, and trends of arts audiences in Alberta.
This work will survey arts-inclined audiences in Calgary, Edmonton, and elsewhere in the province to provide data that is useful and timely for arts leaders and organizations three times per year over the next two years.
This is where you come in! We have already heard from the arts community that results would be most helpful in December-January, May-June, and August-September. Now, we would like your input on exactly what your challenges are, and what you would like to know about your audiences. Your input will directly impact the design of the survey questions.
Below is a message from Mathew Stone, who will be leading the research, as well as a link to a very short (5 questions) survey to help us fine-tune the questions that will go out to the public. I hope you can take advantage of the opportunity to receive valuable, timely data on your audience, at our expense!
Thank you for helping to make this research as valuable as possible and stay tuned for more information on the gatherings we’ll be hosting in both Calgary and Edmonton with the release of each round of results.
Thanks also to the Alberta Foundation for the Arts, Calgary Arts Development, Calgary Foundation, Edmonton Arts Council, and the Edmonton Community Foundation for their support of this work.
Have a great week,
Lisa Mackay
Director of Storytelling

Dear Alberta Arts Leaders, Arts & Culture experiences are a vital part of building vibrant, inclusive communities. Stone-Olafson is pleased to have a role in supporting leaders like you with resources to support your work. Over the past three years we have conducted custom research about engaging audiences in the Alberta Experience Economy. This work hopefully provided reliable data about your audiences throughout the pandemic. We are building on that work with this new initiative led by the Rozsa Foundation, in partnership with other Alberta-based arts funders, concentrating exclusively on learning how audiences engage with Arts & Culture experiences in their community. The first phase of the Arts & Culture Engagement Monitor research will be conducted this fall with results being shared late in the year. This research must serve the arts sector’s needs, and to help us deliver insights you can use we would like your input. We have prepared a very short feedback tool – 5 easy questions – that help us understand the kind of data you are looking for. We will take your feedback and incorporate it into our research design. Participation is easy – click here or the link below and take 5 minutes to participate. You can do this on your phone, tablet or computer. Thank you in advance for your participation. This is essential work, and your input is vital. Thank you, Mathew Stone Stone-Olafson